Axis H1600 single-sided
The French hand-crafted Axis H1600 inbuilt wood fireplace has one of the longest glass viewing areas of any wood fire in Australia. With its manually assembled interlocking refractory firebricks and DAFS (Double Air Flow System) technology, the Axis H1600 inbuilt wood fireplace has been mastered to perfection.
Over the last 15 years Axis has been dedicated to designing and manufacturing luxury steel fireboxes using state of the art technology to laser cut all units which are then tightly mechanically welded to the frame. As a result of this craftsmanship, no warping of the firebox can ever occur.
All Axis fireplaces have Triple Action Heating; RADIANT (glass), ACCUMULATION (bricks) and CONVECTION (firebox).
Heating Capacity:
Up to 350m2
- Use as an open fireplace or slow combustion heater
- Over a meter wide large glass viewing area
- Secure lift up door system with locking mechanism or forward levering for easy cleaning
- Solid steel firebox construction
- Clean frameless design (no trim)
- DAFS (Double Air Flow System) – injects oxygen at a determined level inside of the combustion chamber to burn the gases and smoke that has not yet been burnt, producing a longer burn, cleaner glass and bricks, and total combustion of the fuel
- Manually assembled interlocking heavy duty 60mm fire bricks baked at 1350°. One of the only fires in Australia to have a 10 year firebrick warranty
- Phenomenal fire brick heat retention and heat radiation
- Artisan engineering
- Fire grate and ash pan included
- A duct and a register included
- Option to transfer heat into multiple areas
- Handmade in the Rhone-Alpes Region of France