Euro Fireplaces Ribe Insert
The Ribe is one of Australia’s lowest emission wood heaters with a tiny 0.4g per kilo of wood burned. Ribe can be built into a ready-made modular hot box and finished with paint, render, stone or tiles. A brick installation is also possible. It can also be installed into existing brick fireplaces where space allows.
Heats up to:
Up to 240 square metres.
Heating capacity depends on factors such as building characteristics, quality of insulation and climatic zone.
- Portrait style firebox
- Dimensions (insert): h 830 w 662 d 315
- Finish: Steel
- External Air Supply
- Takes logs up to 33cm
- 6+ hr ember retention
Emissions: 0.4g
Efficiency AUS/EU: 73% / 82%
Colour: Black
Made in: Europe
Warranty: 5 years